
Thursday, July 4, 2019

Activity 1

My animal has red feathers and blue eyes he eats bugs from trees and he has a little bit green underneath his wings on him and he is a great hider at hiding from me and he is so a note bird he makes me do note stuff up when I come in and he trys to trip me up and his favorite thing is fish but it fresh and he is so so the best animal but not the best teller and makes me do not good things and he is not really a great animal but he keeps on trying to trip me up and he pops in my shoes is well and my animal is a good cleaner as well and super fast at doing it and that is what i like about my animal and he hides my shoes under the car and he flaps his wings so fast i have’t to clean up his mess and he gets mad at me and he is such a trouble maker he gets me to clean up after him

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

There are dominos at earth everyone wants to know what is in there it might be aliens and a ufo or some big balls that run people over it might be a time machine back to the 1950 or a tiger inside it ready to pounce on somebody or a panther ready to eat us all or a bomb that explodes in Everybody face and no one even knows it might be gas that puts you to sleep and you wake up and your in the Future and it might be a box that tells you everything and you will be super smart it might be something that gives you money or something you do not have that you really want and gives you things and it was a huge pup inside it and it might step on us or it could be just huge dominos and it might be magic or just normal dominos

enemy pie

we are doing an enemy pie link so to get rid of your enemy

Matariki Machine

we are learning how to selabrat matariki and by doing a matariki design

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

how to find matariki

we have been learning how to find matariki the 9 stars and what way to point us to the 9 sisters and why they were created


 We have been watching a video a trying to change it to a story. Once upon a time there was a city that was not a healthy place to be in and it was rusty and an old city and it was not fill with much people and everybody was gone but one person was trying to stop the robots taking everybody away every single person and i am trying to stop this i am trying hard to stop the viers it is strong and all the plants have Covered the city with because it is a gas that makes you go to sleep forever and then the world blows up but I got the hack and now i know the code and i know how to reivers the vires so I can save the city and well i will Through a bomb at it so the rocket blows up so it dose not blow and not gas everybody and save haven tower. vines and they are going to start knocking over things and everything in the city is going to be knocked over i am so happy I found this now i know what Happened Im so glad that I got what I want now I can get to where it started and what i want to stop t I am trying to stop is dangerous thing.

matariki around the world

We have been learning about how matariki is celebrated around the world to find out about how other cutures celebrated